Category: Master Coach.
Povolzhskaya State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan.
Specifics of the organization of training process in the sport “triathlon”. FGBU “Federal Center for Sports Training”, Triathlon.
Nutritiology in the system of sports training. FGBU, Nutritiology.
Sport of general, additional and professional education, Regional Resource Center for Professional Development, Coach-Teacher.
MTB XC cycling in the discipline of XCO and XCM, category - Candidate Master of Sports, silver medalist of the Volga Region Championship in 2013.
Winner of the Amateur Winter Triathlon World Cup in Harbin in 2020.
Winner of the Chinese National Winter Triathlon Championship in 2020.
Winner of the international winter extreme multi-day bicycle race on Baikal “Ice Storm 2021”.